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recording material中文是什么意思

用"recording material"造句"recording material"怎么读"recording material" in a sentence


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  • Dentistry - jaw relation recording material
  • Information recording materials
  • The video recording material may real - time insert the multi - countries writing watermark and the time watermark
  • Information recording materials mainly means vision & imagination ones based on images
  • Lucky film group , china ' s largest scientific research and production base for sensitive materials , magnetic recording materials , was founded in june
    1992年6月,中国最大的感光材料和磁性记录材料研究生产基地- -中国乐凯集团公司成立。
  • It records material and spiritual histories of nation , permeates dense national emotions , embodies the meaning system and values of chinese nation
  • Please you make a list of using all matter in process . as : adminicle , preservative , disinfector , rat proof and mothproof and so on , and write a brief recording materials in produce
  • In addition , the species of inorganic recording materials used for blue - ray recording media and recording principle of write - once blue - ray disc were introduced in details
  • Recently , magnetoplumbite hexagonal ferrites have been considered as attractive candidates for high - density recording materials because of the good mechanic , chemical properties and high magnetic anisotropy
  • If we stop using a computer or if we have used it for too long , it breaks down by itself or crashes at the push of a button . all recorded materials naturally disappear . but there is no way to erase vicious thoughts
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"recording material"造句  
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